The purpose of the Foundation is to solicit, manage, invest, and distribute funds for worthwhile educational projects for which money is not available in the WOISD budget or for which community tax dollars cannot be expended.The projects funded will be those which best meet the Foundation's mission to enrich and maximize the quality of education in the school, as well as support the White Oak School/Community Library.
Donations through the White Oak Education Foundation are an investment in the continued success of our school and community.
Donations are tax deductible, as defined by the IRS, since the Foundation is a qualified non-profit, 501[c][3], corporation.
The mission of the White Oak Education Foundation is to generate and distribute funds to support programs and initiatives that will enhance the quality of life and learning for the children and adults of the White Oak community. The WOED links community and alumni resources-time, money, services and expertise-with the needs of our school. The Foundation promotes the understanding that everyone in the community is responsible for creating a quality educational system.
The Foundation supports student programs, projects and initiatives that are not adequately supported by tax-based funding. All support is given in cooperation with the school administration.
The Foundation funds teacher grants each year as they develop programs to enhance the learning opportunities of the students. Community Library Grants assist library personnel in purchasing additional books and other resources in order to establish a library to meet the educational needs of the students enrolled in WOISD. Enrichment Grants assist teacher/administrators to attend workshops, seminars or other professional growth opportunities. School Site Grants allow individual campuses in the District to request funds to address a need unique to the respective campus. Scholarships to Seniors each year provide help with college, university, or trade school fees.
There are multiple investment options: